I want to start this post by wishing everyone out there a very happy (late) Valentines Day! I have always had mixed emotions about this day as I believe we shouldn't need to be told there is a day that we show our boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/partner/family/friends/fiancé/person that we love them. We should show it all the time. But it is a day to celebrate love. And for that, I can stand behind it and join in.
I don't need extravagant gifts and flowers and chocolates and teddy bears to know I am loved. I enjoy seeing how happy these things can make everyone else, but it's just not for me. Last year my boyfriend and I agreed on no gifts and instead spent that money that we would of bought presents and dinner on a weekend away camping together. Each other's company and the beach were all we needed (beach was a bonus).
Down at Monoooooooo (inside joke, Kieran please laugh if you read this) |
It was a good view up here even if I felt like I was going to fall off a cliff
I was lucky enough for my boyfriend this year to plan a day with me full of things we both love. Together. I enjoy the beach and going places and doing fun things, but doing this with him makes it an adventure.
We sang (loudly) the whole trip and rediscovered that Anaconda is literally our jam. I laughed so hard at times I nearly wet my pants. We lounged around in the sun, went for walks, swam in the ocean and ate Subway and chips for lunch. I was on top of the world and even better it was all our home.
We went driving after lunch and went to the lookout (pictured above). We took a bunch of photos. He insisted it was a yolo moment and we should take topless pics (we did but lets leave them off the Internet). He took me to a beautiful place where his family friends got married and talked about what our wedding would be like. I don't know if it is possible to fall anymore in love but I did.
That night he had booked a table at our favourite restaurant and he took me out to dinner. We ate so much and laughed when we told the waiters we didn't want wine because we feel like we are fifteen again. We spent the entire day and night together and it was beautiful.
I hope everyone else had a magical day filled with love and laughter the way I did. Life is too short to not love. People have always mocked me for being so 'in love and whipped' but I say if it makes you happy just do it. Go crazy. Love too much. Wear your heart on your sleeve because love is the best feeling ever.
Thanks for reading, Stelle xxx |
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