Hello to all of my lovely readers. I'm not sure whether this post will interest you or not, but I know on tumblr and in real life with new people I meet (or people who haven't always known me) I get asked a fair bit how I met my boyfriend. I know it's lame but I always love hearing these stories from other people because sometimes they are so interesting and people meet the people they know they are going to be with forever in the strangest/ most random ways. So I thought I would share my story with you all.
Long story short: we met in high school and started going out towards the end of Year 9.
If you care for the details, feel free to read on and I will let you have a little insight into what it was like.
I first met my boyfriend Kieran when we were in Year 8 (I was newly 13 and he was 12 hahaha). We were put in the same classes in school so that is initially how we first met. The standout classes I can remember being in together were: Science, Home Economics (or cooking class) and Woodwork.
Cooking class, the standout memories involved my friend and I basically doing the cooking for him and his cooking partner because, well because they sucked. One time I remember he asked me to butter his bread roll for him because he couldn't even do it. Who knew that those Year 8 cooking sessions would turn into 6 years down the road, me actually cooking and meal prepping for him. Bet you didn't see that one coming at the time hey Kieran? (Because I know I sure didn't). If you had of told me back then, "Hey Kristelle, you know you're going to end up meal prepping for this guy in 6 years?" I would of laughed in your face. I didn't like him, he was a silly, annoying and kind of a mean boy. I just didn't like him. I would help him out just to get them to leave us alone.
Woodwork, the memories are limited. I remember
1) not wanting to do any of the work myself
2) thinking it was payback to get boys to do it for me
3) being mean back to all the boys (even though they were doing my work projects for me)
I would like to take a moment to just reflect and say wow, these stories so far make me sound so sexist lol. Boys do the woodwork projects and girls do the cooking? No. I promise I don't think like that, I was obviously just lazy the same way the boys were. I didn't like woodwork and they did, so they did it for me. The same way that I enjoyed cooking and they didn't (mostly).
Now onto science class. We used to sit near each other with one of my friends (the same one from cooking class) and we used to run wild in that class. There were fruit loops thrown at heads and a lot of inappropriate jokes made. I would say he was still sort of mean and I was mean back. We used to tease each other like no tomorrow. He was a lot nicer to my friend which annoyed me a lot because well I started to like him and had a crush on him. There was no way I would ever tell him that though (because well hello, embarrassing and boys were still yuck). Not long after he started 'going out' with my friend and I got over it because I liked a different boy at the time (lol).
Year 8 ended, as did the brief 'relationship' between Kieran and my friend.
Year 9 started and we didn't really have much to do with each other at the start of the year. We weren't in any of the same classes anymore because we got to choose ours (sport and design & technology for me and woodwork and cooking [the irony in this is hilarious] for him- and yes I remember this). We were also graded into English, Science and Maths classes which resulted in us having nothing to do with each other.
I saw him around every now and then and when I did I remember thinking "do I like this boy? I don't know lol". We spoke every now and again on MSN and in person, I think he even had my phone number so we might of texted a couple of times lol. I sort of did like him, but not that much. Anyway...
Later that year, I was hanging out with a friend (a different one to the last stories) and we happened to run into him and his friend (from the previous stories) at the park. We all hung out for ages that afternoon. I remember giving him a piggyback, believe it or not I used to be taller and he was not heavy at all haha. When my friend and I went to leave at one point he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so awkward and embarrassed I kind of just walked away and pretended I didn't hear him. I was freaking out to my friend and she was like to me "just say yes, I think you like him" and she even ended up answering for me.
We all met up at the park again later and talked for a while.
That evening when it was time for my mum to pick me up (lol, the life of a 14 year old) he hugged me goodbye.
We had our first date and our first kiss two weeks later.
About 6 months later, I realised I loved this boy.
Eventually I told him that I didn't really like him at first and I only said yes because, well my friend actually did it for me. He admitted he was a nervous little chicken shit (well for not kissing me goodbye when he had the chance lol) and because at the time he used the excuse "oh it was a bet with my friend. I thought you were hot and he said you would say yes to me and I bet you would say no". So romantic don't you think?
A few years ago he also admitted to me he actually liked me back in Year 8 as well and talked to my friend more because he was trying to make me jealous and was mean to me because he liked me. He never ended up asking me out because his mate did first (that is a whole other story that is not even important).
Yet, here we are almost 5 years later. Still together through all of our ups and downs and our ever so romantic start to our relationship. But yet, I wouldn't trade anything for the world. He grew to be my bestfriend over the years and I trust him with anything. If people tell me a secret, it's a given he will know by the end of the day (sorry everyone) and vice versa.
Here are some happy snaps of us over time (from what I could quickly just find on my computer)
first holiday together at Narrabeen camping, Summer of 2011/2012 |
My Year 12 formal, 2013 |
My 18th birthday party, 2013 |
Some random night out, 2014 |
Paddleboarding adventure at our favourite place (Narrabeen), 2014 |
So if anyone read all the way to the end of this nonsense, thank you! Special shoutout to Kieran, hey babe. He reads my blog. Even though it's awkward and a bit embarrassing, I appreciate the support.
Kristelle xxx