Yes my title was simply to catch your attention because I know reading that would anger many people for different reasons and well as spark a burning curiosity. I don't think there's an answer to is it right or wrong because it simply shouldn't be a question. Everyone has their own beliefs and I honestly don't think people should make such a big deal or fuss about what other people believe in.
It has always been known that religion is one of the most controversial topics to discuss, and for good reason. Everyone has different beliefs and even those who identify themselves as a particular religion, I'm sure all show their 'faith' and practise their beliefs in different ways.
I want to first make it clear that I do not believe in any form of God. I believe in science and I believe in karma. I don't believe I need to justify why, but if you need to know I'm happy to answer any questions. To follow this statement I believe I also need to say that I do not in any way ridicule or shame those who do believe in a form of God or are religious.
I'm simply making this post to share with you my views and an experience that it had last night at work that has made me extremely angry. I'll start by telling you all what happened at work last night:
It was break time and myself, two other girls who are similar in age to me, a lady in her early 30's and a manager (I think she's in her late 30's) were all sitting in the tea room at about 10pm last night. For some reason (no idea how it came up honestly, we were sitting there eating popcorn and lollies), my manager and the older one of the ladies started talking about the Gaza/Isreal/ Palestine situation. Now I can say I in no way believe I am well informed of this situation because I know the media is one sided and they write/portray on TV the side and viewpoint they want to and that they think will get the views and high ratings. I only know information from what I've read and no matter what, my view is simply that war (or fighting, whatever it may be) is absolutely stupid and there's no reason good enough that children and innocent people should lose their lives simply because there are people in the world who want to be 'in control' and by these acts of violence think they're going to get what they want. My view is quite simple if you think about it. I don't need more depth or information to come to that conclusion.
I don't remember exactly what was being said but I know the lady in her 30's had a similar viewpoint to me that all violence is disgusting and she spoke about a video on the Internet she saw of a group of the (bad people- I don't really know how to phrase that but the story makes me view them as disgusting people) who were Muslim and told a Christain man that he could either convert to Muslim or die. So anyway he converted (or whatever you call it) then the 'bad people' announced he was with them, he was safe blah blah, then the next second they slit this mans throat. Now I don't understand that and the worst part was I don't understand why that filth is on the Internet, but anyway.
One of the younger girls at the table, identified herself as Muslim (I swear she said another word as there is different 'kinds' but again I don't know because it's not me) and got super almost defensive about the situation. My manager and the other young girl identified themselves as Catholic and argued the point that the difference in religions (i.e the Muslims wanting everyone to be Muslim and not Christian etc.) was a source of the violence.
At this point I'm still sitting there listening to their point of views and arguments as I didn't feel well informed enough to have an opinion on the matter (which I think is the actual educated thing to do in this situation) because their opinions were simply that- opinions. It got heated and as there were different religions in the room it was getting to be an intense argument. The topic of discussion moved from Gaza, to simply 'discussing' religion. Now this is where I know to keep my mouth shut. My mother always taught me if I don't have anything nice to say then say nothing. This wasn't entirely applicable because I didn't exactly have anything rude to say. But she also taught me that topics of discussion that never end well are
1. Religion
2. Politics
So I kept my mouth shut.
These 4 girls/women spoke about their own religion and beliefs (which is whatever I wasn't really paying attention simply because I don't believe in it) but the phrase that caught my attention again was well what do atheists believe in then? Now everyone's definition of atheism that I've come across in my life has been different. There's the usual they don't believe in God, heaven and hell (which is what I "believe") but I've heard more extremists views such as no God, heaven or hell, but they don't believe in love or karma or anything else either. Now I was okay they were questioning it as a form of curiosity perhaps but what set me off and made me incredibly angry was after I answered "oh well they can believe in science or simply that there is no God" (just pointing out at this point I have not once stated my beliefs) and the manager sat there and laughed. She then proceeded to ridicule science claiming it was all "so stupid" that anyone can believe we came from monkeys or just appeared on this Earth. The others joined in agreeing it was "dumb" at that stuff doesn't just "appear".
Well this is where I interjected that "coming from monkeys" is Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution and that "the Earth just appearing" is The Big Bang Theory. I got several looks after this and stated simply Science is looking at the facts and gaining supporting evidence. I'm so offended that these people from three different religious backgrounds can sit there mocking science, but are so convinced that what they believe is the only thing that matters (which by the way is all clearly different so not only were they arguing me, they were arguing against each other too. Only difference with me is I completely don't believe in God so I'm the most "wrong" in all of their eyes). I don't care that people believe in God, but to me there's no proof any of it is true. They mock the Theory of Evolution that creatures have evolved over millions of years based on environmental conditions (amongst man other conditions), yet they are "totally correct" in saying "oh God made this and put it there". I didn't voice my opinion mocking their religions pointing out faults and telling them I believe it's dumb, yet they so easily did that to me.
Now that is what gets me angry. I think religion is what causes fights. Everyone is so convinced that what they believe is the only way to go about things that as soon as anybody with a different opinion or belief voices it to them, they are instantly wrong and scrutinised for it. If people could just accept the fact that their God or their belief is not the only "correct" way out there, I believe we could solve a lot of problems.