Wednesday, 22 July 2015


I don't really write much anymore. I don't write about things that are meaningful or all the fun adventures that I have with my beautiful boyfriend. In fact I don't really do much anymore. 

Some days I can't get out of bed. It's not that I don't want to (believe me I want to get out of bed, make a healthy meal and get outside in the sunshine and workout- or just do something), but I can't. I physically can not bring myself to wake up some mornings and get out of bed. I'll make myself think I'm not even hungry so it doesn't matter if I stay in bed until my mum or sister gets home that night. And it's not even that I'm asleep (I do sleep way too much though). Some days I can lay there for over an hour and just stare at the roof or the wall fighting with myself that I need to get up. 

For a change though I go to work. That's my life lately. Working and then staying in bed almost every moment I'm not at work. 

I've lost the ability to find happiness in those small things I wrote about a couple of months ago. I don't write meaningful things, I don't go on fun adventures with my love. I don't really do anything and that makes me really really sad. 

I know things will change and turn around eventually, so it will be okay. 

I'll get to be my happy adventurous self with my partner in crime. Visiting places, eating great foods and taking lots of pictures. But until then I just need to sleep it off. Get this bad place out of my head and shitty moods out of my system. I just need to feel alive again. 

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Orange is the New Black

I joined the bandwagon guys! I finally got Netflix out here in Australia recently and yes, I gave in and decided I needed to watch Orange is the New Black... just like what seemed everyone else. 

But I'm glad I did! I can easily say this is one of the best shows I have ever watched. Definitely up there with my all time favourites of Greys Anatomy, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and The O.C. It's something new and fresh which is definitely what I needed considering all my favourites are years old (except for Grey's Anatomy, but let's be real here, the show needs to end to save itself now). 

Season 1 and 2 I loved so much. They were so good. Kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't wait to watch the next episode (which is probably how most nights when I had finished whatever else I had to do I would stay up until 2:30-3am just to finish another episode. 

Season 3 in my opinion wasn't that great. It just didn't really go anywhere? If you get what I mean. 

Ruby Rose, yes she's hot and yes I have known who she is for a long time from little things like Girlfriend magazine?? and on TV (well I think that's right, but I'm not sure so don't hold me to that lol). I don't however understand the sudden "omg I love Ruby Rose she's so hot I think I'm lesbian now". Like girls, no.

I can't wait for season 4 but that is a long time away (sad face).

I got my boyfriend into the show which is pretty funny. He got mad at me when I would watch the episodes without him because he would miss out on what was going on. The next episode we would watch together he would keep asking questions about what was going on, who was who etc. So I decided we could start at the beginning together (that was we always have something to watch when he's at my house and we don't want to watch a movie).

Oh he also told me I would be Piper and I'm a tad offended. I don't even know who my favourite character is- I just can't pick one. 

Any other OITNB addicts out there, I would love to know! When I start watching a series I either hate it and give up after 2 episodes or I become obsessed and watch everything as fast as possible. No middle ground. 

Thanks for reading about how crazy I am when it comes to TV shows, until next post,
Kristelle xx

Check out my Instagram here OR @krristelley (if you're just on your phone) xx
Check out my Tumblr here x

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Wedding Cake Rock

I would like to be able to say "Yay a day where I have no work and can do whatever I want!!!!" but that wasn't exactly true. I conveniently had work in the evening though, which meant I could spend my day doing whatever I wanted :-)

If you want to stay updated with all of my adventures, check out:
My Instagram here @krristelley
My Tumblr wi-ldberries
or even add my Snapchat @krristelley

Today was a day for an adventure. I messaged one of my beautiful friends (Jess) and I decided it was going to be a beautiful day for a hike and a trip to the infamous Wedding Cake Rock. 
Wedding Cake Rock
The hike was tiring. I will admit that much. There were so many trees and rocks to trip over (I almost face planted several times) and there was so much mud even though I don't think it had rained there in the last week or so. 
Bundeena Coastal Trek
There were several beautiful lookouts on the way to our main goal of Wedding Cake Rock and it was all so beautiful. The ocean, the view, mini waterfalls and even the trees and shrubs were nice enough to appreciate.
Standard selfie in front of Wedding Cake Rock
Wedding Cake Rock is actually fenced off now because of all the dangerous photos people were taking on it and the large amounts of people that would stand on the rock at a time made it 'unstable'. Bit of a yolo moment quickly hoping on the rock for a photo and then running back off for fear of dying and falling to our doom :')
Not even an accurate photo to describe how high up we really were
The hike lasted us about 2 and a half hours including us stopping to mess around and take all of these photos. Today was a good day. Getting exercise with some great company and appreciating the beauty of Australian nature. 
It was so peaceful out there in the sun and light breeze, climbing away next to the ocean
Instead of taking a path back to the car, Jess and I walked down the rocks closer to the water. The view was absolutely amazing, I don't think I can emphasise how beautiful this country really is. The weather (although sunny) has been super cold lately. It felt so nice to be up there, jacket off because we really were working up a sweat, my skin soaking up the sun's rays. 
I really felt like I was on top of the world
Wind in my hair and sun on my face I felt so happy and so at peace. But Jess and I had climbed all the way down the rocks (to where we couldn't climb down anymore) and we were quite a walk from the path. So naturally, the only way to get to the path was straight back up the side of the cliff. Bear Grylls styles, we rock climbed back up. A lot of effort and kind of scary for someone aka me who is scared of heights. 

It was an amazing day. We ate lunch on a wharf and I was happy. Days like this remind me of how lucky I really am and how much I love my life.

Thanks for reading! 
Kristelle xxx

Monday, 6 July 2015

Is it a holiday?

I feel like I'm going crazy here. Everyone thinks that attending University is the biggest 'bludge' ever. You get to go to uni 2 or 3 times a week for a few hours each day. Do some assignments. Sit a test at the end of 12 or 13 weeks, twice a year. Doesn't add up to much does it? 

And that means plenty of time for holidays. But honestly, it's anything except a holiday for me. I'm busy all the time. I have barely had any time to myself to relax at all. Instead of studying and working, now I'm just doing more working. Working my job, babysitting and keeping on top (not even) with housework. Can I tell you it's bloody insane how quickly mountains of washing need to be done. There's barely time to sit down and relax or sleep. 

I will say though I am so thankful for the time that I have had to myself because I have gotten the chance to love Orange is the New Black and attend a couple of 'gatherings' with my friends and watch football. 

But of course, like usual when I try to have everything (work, friends, chores, TV time) I end up with no sleep. I'm tired. I'm tired of being tired. 

It's not a holiday, it's not even time away. Just a different reality for a little while and in all honesty I don't know which one stresses me out and wears me down more (okay I think I do but depending on my mood that day, my answer can change really quickly).