Thought this would be fun to answer a bunch of questions about myself to let my beautiful readers get to know me a bit better. Anyone who feels like answering them do it and send me the link so I can read your responses!
1. Favorite color- pink
2. Height- 166cm
3. Eye color- blue
4. Hair color- blonde
5. Age- 19
6. Piercings? 2 on each ear and my belly button
7. Tattoos? 1 (for now) a small heart on my wrist
8. Favorite animal/pet- bunny
9. Favorite scent- Marc Jacobs Daisy
10. What time is it? 12:44am
11. Favorite time of day- evening/sunset
12. First pet- goldfish
13. Siblings- little sister
14. First car- white ford laser
15. On a day like today you would...? Lay in the sun
16. The last book you read- my Human Resource Management textbook
17. The last text message you sent/received- sent to Kieran (can't even share what that said oops) and received from Kieran (would be perfect!!)
18. Are you usually hot or cold- hot. Always hot
19. Pick one thing to your left, what does it mean to you- it's a pillow
20. Day or night and why- day because I love the sun and adventure
Knee Deep:
21. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? A few hours ago
22. When was the last time someone told you they loved you- few hours ago
23. Who is your best friend and how did you meet- Kieran at school and Amber at little athletics
24. Would you rather love or be loved- love. I love to love
25. Do you get sick often- not really
26. Do you live alone or with other people- with my fam
27. When was the last time you saw your family- saw my sister this afternoon and saw my mum on Saturday morning 😐 (it's Tuesday lol)
28. What do you want to achieve in the next year- just be the best I can be at what I'm doing
29. Do you believe in true love- yes
30. Have you ever been hurt by someone you thought cared about you- yes
To the Waist:
31. When was the last time you got hurt- today I ran into a bench
32. Have you ever hurt yourself- yes
33. What was the last fight you had about- moving out
34. Has anyone told you they hated you- yes lol
35. Have you seen anyone die- no
36. What would you tell your younger self- don't grow up hating yourself, do your homework, don't give a fuck what people think, you're gonna meet the love of your life at 14 (be warned) and don't let the popular girls make you feel ugly or inadequate because you're going to be better off when you're out of school so it's all going to be okay
37. Would you skip the bad parts of your life to be successful- absolutely
38. What do you want to do with the rest of your life- get my career where I want it, stay sassy, get married and be one bad ass wife and mother
39. Have you left behind/ were you left behind in a friendship- yes but no regrets
40. What is more important money or love- they're both important, but still love
Neck Deep:
41. Who would you want to meet again in your life- no idea
42. Why did you choose your career path- because I love it
43. What is something you regret from your past- giving up too easily
44. How much time is left at the end of your day- depends how you look at it. Either 23 hours because it's a new day or the day's already over and I should be sleeping
45. What was your last dream about- moving into my own house and being happy lol
46. Have you ever hated someone and why- just because asshole
47. Talk about your favorite family member- my mum and sister are my favourites. Annoying, stubborn and a pain in the ass to be around. But, thoughtful, loving and my bestfriends.
48. What is one thing you want to confess- I can't wait to have my own family even though I always tell everyone I hate kids when they ask me lol
49. Have you ever tried to take away your problems instead of deal with them- yes?
50. Who would you save- yourself or a stranger?- I'm selfish. Everyone would like to believe they're a great person, some sort of hero and believe they would save a stranger. But realistically no. Human instinct says no. I would save myself. If I was like 90 and had lived a long fulfilling life I would save the stranger. Ask me to save someone I love, no problems I genuinely wouldn't hesitate. But not a stranger. Nope.
Head Under Water:
51. Have you been in love- I am so yes
52. Talk about someone in your life who has died- my nanna. I loved her. Her stories, her hugs that crushed you and the lipstick smears on your face after she's said hello. The visits to her little place and the traditional Chinese food we ate every Christmas Eve. She was a lovely woman and I miss her very much.
53. Describe your first love in 5 words- passionate, adventurous, soulmate, crazy, fulfilling
54. When was the last time you thought you were beautiful- a few weeks ago when I looked good in my clothes, had a killer tan and my make up was amazing. Topping it off I took a great picture lol
55. Have you ever had to recover after something- yes and damn it's hard
56. What do you hate about love- it's exhausting sometimes and you can't ever let it not be a priority
57. Top ten life values- health, happiness, love, honesty, passion, adventure, intelligence, friendship, loyalty and trust
58. How do you fall asleep- Monday-Friday after a long day of either uni or study and a long night at work I fall asleep with my phone next to me after scrolling social media til I can't keep my eyes open. On weekends I fall asleep next to my love
59. When was the last time you smiled and the last time you cried- smiled: tonight when Kieran texted me he loves me. Cried: uhh probably yesterday morning when I had a sook my cafe was too busy to eat at
60. What would you give up everything for? I'd give up everything for the three people I care most about in my life (and in no order) mum, sister and boyfriend 😊